Saturday, March 19, 2011

things to do today

Attend a fabulous (and relatively early-morning) lecture given by my lovely friend Christopher on Meister Eckhart. Fail to understand much of it. Feel, therefore, simultaneously good and bad about self.

Eat a delicious sandwich with Rowena, despite it being ten in the morning and not, therefore, optimum sandwich time.

Brainstorm reasons not to go to the Bodleian.

Go to the Bodleian despite brain's best objections.

Enjoy a brief and humorous three act play written by my dear (and absolutely insane) friend Emily. Try not to giggle too loudly; disregard own lack of success at this last goal.

Nearly perish at the sadistic whim of a hell bent, Bodleian-dwelling bumblebee.

Scrutinize every movement of said bumblebee for the next thirty minutes, just in case it's picked up my scent. 

Write blog post. (edited to reflect subsequent success)

Edit my Alice essay.