Saturday, October 2, 2010

i have an address!

Last night we went out to Fire & Stone, which is a sweet pizza place in city centre (the photo is of me with the lovely Nitya, who is a member of the business school but finds time in her busy schedule to hang out with us Regents folk). F&S organizes the menu in a really cool way--it's by continent, and within continents are cities. Each city is the name of a pizza. I had the Melbourne, which involves sliced brie, roasted butternut squash, roasted red onions and toasted pumpkin seeds on top. Pretty much best pizza ever, and it was a LOT of food. And only four pounds. Yay Rowena and her coupons!

Oh, but the real subject of this post: my address. You should all send me letters and food and sweaters:

Room 327
25 Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JH
United Kingdom

Yes? Yes. Do it.


Evan Roth said...

Let me know what America food you'd like/you want to give to your fancy new English friends and I'll send it over.

Corbin Parker said...

I will go out and find you a nice sweater to send to you. I hear it can get pretty cold there. Also other fun things. Like yarn! Or something.