Tuesday, October 19, 2010

oxford: a villanelle

In a conversation with Mr. Charles Greenberg that took place about half an hour ago, we were discussing the near-impossibility of writing a good villanelle. I submit as proof my first draft of the villanelle I attempted on the fly; I only post it at all because it's about Oxford:

A year spent wand’ring under ancient spires
that punctuate the city as they dream:
this new world that, in reaching down, inspires

sweet visions of the Bard’s bare ruined choirs
that, crumbling, are complicit in my scheme:
a year spent wand’ring under ancient spires.

Every Bodleian moment lights the fires.
Swimming with ideas, these textbooks teem
with this new world that, in reaching down, inspires

oars dipping in and out of cold sapphires—
the sun reflected in a bright Thames gleam—
a year spent wand’ring under ancient spires:

charm so rare could but be Oxfordshire’s.
The tea-sets plenty, scones with jam and cream:
this new world that, in reaching down, inspires 

me ever to be what this place requires—
joining with my own words in the stream
of years spent wand’ring under ancient spires:
this new world that—in reaching down—inspires.


Corbin Parker said...

...I am so impressed. Don't stop.

Corinne said...

Thanks. This is probably the first poem I've written since Dr. Johnston's class last semester, and I'm not so sure about it. I ran it by someone before I posted it--a particular someone who would probably be quite honest if it were terrible--and got the go-ahead.


Corbin Parker said...

Well he or she has great taste! Also, the word I have to type in so that I can comment is "storkses." Like. More than one Stork. Anyways, thought you should know!

evil_engineer said...

I like it! I had to look up what a villanelle is. A pretty constraining form, I must say, but I think you pulled it off pretty well. The only thing that bugged me is the idea that spires "dream". I like to think of spires as always being alert and on the job, like a sentry guard. Maybe they could be "supreme".

Thanks for sharing.

Corinne said...

Oxford is "the city of dreaming spires". It's a term coined by poet Matthew Arnold about the city itself. Hence the blog title. And the poetic reference.

Charles said...

You know what I think.


MK said...

so pretty! please send me things for Dulcimer times! including this. =D